Income Protection
Income Protection or Accident, Sickness & Redundancy Cover
How will long term sickness or unemployment affect you and your family?
Can you survive on £87.55 per week?* That is the current maximum rate of Statutory Sick Pay which your employer must pay for up to 28 weeks if you are unable to work through illness.
What if you become unemployed, can you survive on £72.40 per week?* That is the current maximum rate of Job Seekers Allowance for a single person aged 25 or over.
There are many options of cover available to help protect your lifestyle and what is important to you. Call Allen Financial Services for a free no obligation consultation and speak to one of our protection advisers who will explain how these types of cover can be tailored to your needs and budget.
What if you are self employed?
Income Protection is also available to self employed people. So for instance if you are a sole trader in a manual job and you take out cover which has a 4 week deferred period of benefit (meaning you can not receive benefit in the first 4 weeks). Then through an injury you are signed off as sick by your doctor and unable to work for 9 weeks, you will receive benefit for the last 5 weeks.
We can even arrange unemployment cover for self employed people when taken with Income Protection with one insurer. This will give cover in the event of bankruptcy, if their business becomes insolvent or goes into liquidation.
Call us today on 029 2002 6220 for a free no obligation consultation.
*Figures correct as of 5/11/2014 taken from